Text from the back cover:

      Jerry Craven drew these seventeen stories from real life, from the eternal landscape of the human heart. They read like masterful works of fiction, but they are all true, so none of the names have been changed to protect the innocent or the guilty.

    "Today," Craven writes in the preface, "the events recounted in these writings jolt with alien strangeness, but when I was a child the incidents felt normal enough, for the bizarre people who acted them out were prosaic relatives and neighbors, and the now exotic landscapes were the essence of everyday experience. Today these people seem the stuff of fiction, so I found it easy to write these stories about them—stories that look like fiction but are not."

          Waiting for Grace

          Stoning the Tooth Fairy

          Shooting a Monkey


          Saving a Songbird

          Learning the Stars

          Catching a Thief

          Hunting Tigers

          Pepper Candy

          Going Native

          Gold and Diamonds

          Arm Wrestling with Fish


          Tar and White Paint

          Picking Figs in Friendswood


          The Architecture of the Dead

These tales will take you from Texas to Venezuela and will show you people who are comical, tragic, loveable, terrible, and always touchingly human.


Front Cover Painting: Tommy Humphey

Jerry Craven Texas writer Texas novelist the big thicket saving a songbird Rama's spear East Texas writer Texas poet creative nonfiction dramatic poetry Tiger, tiger Bruce Jefferson Snake Mountain Slough Press Lamar University Press Ink Brush Press tips for writers contact Jerry Craven YA fiction Dancing on Barbed Wire Parallel Hours Ceremonial Stones of Fire Jungle's Edge Women of Thunder Wild Part Tiger, Tiger Becoming Others